Mens Captain’s Report
Welcome to the November newsletter. The Mens and Womens Club Championships have been completed and I especially congratulate all members for their wins in the Championships.
The end of October has meant that a lot of water has fallen on the course. Our dams are full which is good but the major course renovations have been delayed because the greens are too soft. The rain has also caused a delay in the last two major events of the year being the mixed foresomes and the final round of the mixed team series. These events will be rescheduled at a later time. The ladies Shootout has also been deferred.
The mens match play championship has been decided with Duncan Brown winning the scratch event and Kelvin Price winning the handicap event.
The club is regularly updating its Covid requirements. It is important that all members and visitors read these updates on our website. The match committee has resolved not to change any of the current requirements.
Work is continuing on the 6th fairway and 7th tee which we hope to complete shortly. A new fountain has been installed in the 15th Dam. The protective screen has been installed on the 13th tee. Members are reminded to keep behind this screen when members are playing their tee shots from the 12th tee. The temporary screen has been placed on the 7th tee.
Members are reminded that the local rules have been updated and now appear in the following areas:
- Notice board outside proshop
- Club Website
- MiClub Website
- MiScore App
During September /October all gardens on the course have been staked with a white peg with a green top. The basic rule is that if it is pegged then it is a garden and members are entitled to free relief. If it is not pegged then it is a part of the general area of the course. If any member has any concerns over any area of the course please advise me.
The 2021 programme is currently being prepared . Should any members have any suggestions for events to be included please advise me in writing.
When on the course members are reminded of the following
- All Social play is off the yellow markers. Members please do not practice off the plates or the blue, white or red teeing areas. When practicising please remember to take a bucket and fill your divots.
- Please repair all divots on the greens,
- Please take a sand bucket
- Please rake the bunkers and leave the rakes in the middle of the bunkers
- Please keep up with the group in front
- Please stick to the ready golf principles
- Please do not drive carts in arears where they are prohibited. Please stay on the designated paths and outside the blue lines.
Gram Chee – Mens Captain
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