Dear Member
As you are aware the Board of the Gosford Golf Club has called an extraordinary meeting to consider and pass a resolution to adopt a new constitution. his document provides answer to a number of questions being raised by members.
Why do we need a new constitution?
Constitutions need to be revised from time to time to ensure they stay current, with societies expectations. For example, the American constitution was adopted in 1787 and has had 27 amendments. The Australia Constitution was ratified in 1901 and has had 44 proposed amendments of which 8 have been approved.
Our existing constitution was adopted in 1987 and has never been amended or updated and therefore is in need of a major overhaul. We do not have the luxury of a congress or parliament whom can make changes when required at no cost. Every change we wish or need to make requires an Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM) a legal review and submission to ASIC (at a cost to the club).
How did the board go about developing the proposed new constitution?
Our first port of call was to request the model rules from GolfNSW. A document written specifically for golf clubs. We have adopted the entire structure and added specific paragraphs, clauses and articles to suit the needs of Gosford Golf Club.
This amended document was reviewed and discussed by the whole board.
The Board then submitted entire document to our lawyers for comment
The document was then subject to a final review by the whole board.
What key changes have been included within the proposed new constitution?
Some of the changes made in this new constitution are mainly to modernise. Below are details of some of those changes:
- The Ladies Committee will be renamed the Ladies Section.
- This was required as a committee cannot operate a bank account. There are no changes to their autonomous operation. They will still have a responsibility to report the Board of the Gosford Golf Cub
- F-Troop, one of the most valued groups in our organisations have now been formally recognised as a section. Again, they will be required to submit reports to the Board of the Gosford Golf Club.
- Currently when a Board member is replaced under a casual vacancy, he/she only serves until the next Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- Under the new constitution the new Board member will in effect replace the outgoing member for the duration of his/her elected term.
- We have created a completely new list of memberships. This was necessitated by the equality of genders, additional , we have created a seven (7) day membership only, in difference to the various options of 5- and 6-day options. Under the new constitution we can manage categories of memberships under the By-Laws. This will enable the Club to make necessary changes in the future without having to make changes to the constitution and necessitating an EGM.
- This was required as a committee cannot operate a bank account. There are no changes to their autonomous operation. They will still have a responsibility to report the Board of the Gosford Golf Cub
The Board has not tried to re-invent the wheel; it has mainly brought the 1987 document into the 21stCentury.
What happens at the meeting?
At the EGM you will have two options:
Vote; Yes, to the resolution to adopt the new constitution.
Vote; No to reject the resolution to adopt the new constitution.
At the EGM there will not be an opportunity to discuss separate parts of this document or to propose amendments. The Board will present the entire document in a resolution for acceptance to the membership.
How can you get a copy of the proposed new constitution?
By contacting the office, you can obtain either a hard copy or have a soft copy emailed to you.
If you which to have any further information and or have any questions regarding this proposed constitution please direct your emails to: [email protected]
Gosford Golf Club Board of Directors.