Not much to report for the month, but in the absence of our Captain Sheena Asken absent, I have tried to help.
We ran the Pro Shop Day in rainy conditions, division one was won by Sharon Anderson, division two was won by Deb Flanagan and Bella Lim won division three. Thank you to the generosity of the Pro Shop for the trophies.
The weather has forced the cancellation of certain events including the Fourball Knock out and the Grandmas’ and Great Grandma’s Day. We have managed to re-schedule this event; it will be held on the 27thof September.
Our numbers are increasing as the course dries out and the weather improves. We had a field of fifty-six players for the President v Captains Day on Tuesday the 9thof August. It was a success, the weather was good, there were no cancellations, and the result was a draw. Golf was the winner.
On Thursday, the 11ththe Singles Knockout matches were played. Division one was won by Marianne Lanham and division two was won by Cathy McGowen. Commiserations to the runners up, Belinda Ostini and Deb Flanagan.
The CCWGA Charity Day will be played at Toukley on Monday the 15th. Congratulation to the Brooch winners, Glennis English, Marilyn Carmichael, and Aggie Lee. We wish them and the rest of the Gosford team good luck in the event.
To the rest of our hard-working committee, a huge thank you for your patience and help over the last five weeks.
Welcome back Sheena, from the Gosford Ladies and your Committee.
Robyn Krahe