The holiday season has passed and it is now back to normal competitions for the rest of the year. I would like to thank all members for their support during the festive season in making our course available to all the holiday makers.
All members have noticed the state of our greens. Separate communications have been sent to all members giving full details of the problem and the work programme of the green staff to have our greens restored back to their best. Members are requested a little patience and allow our green staff to do their job. The problem with the bunkers was that our bunker bike was out of service for three weeks. We now have it back and members will notice the difference in the bunkers. In regards to rough members are not required to carry a whippersnapper in their bags, this is being attended to.
Members will have noted that new paths have been placed near 9th green and 10th tee. This is part of our programme to do all paths on the course.
The ladies Summer competition is over and it is back to normal for the ladies. One tee for mens competitions has ceased.
The 2019 Mens and Junior Pennants competition commences on 2 February. We wish all those players selected good golfing in representing the club.
The 2019 rules of golf have been readily accepted by all members. If you have any issue with the new rules please contact myself or the pro shop.
A new local rule has been agreed that you are not required to mark your ball when the conditions are preferred lie.
When on the course members are reminded of the following
Please repair all divots on the greens,
Please take a sand bucket
Please rake the bunkers and leave the rakes in the middle of the bunkers
Please keep up with the group in front
Please stick to the ready golf principles
Please do not drive carts in areas where they are prohibited. Please stay on the designated paths.
Graham Chee
Mens Captain
Ladies Captains Report
The Summer Competition has come to an end and Opening Day marks the start of the 2019 golfing year. Thanks as always to Di Beechey for running the ladies golf over December and January. Numbers were reasonable with an average of 40 ladies playing on a Tuesday and between 20 and 25 on a Thursday.
Local Rule decisions
It is no longer necessary to mark a ball when taking a preferred lie on closely mown portions of the course.
The new double par rule for medal and stroke rounds will not apply in Club Championships or the Gosford Bowl. These events will be played off the stick as in the past.
The Committee has decided to reduce the number of prizes in an attempt to increase the prize money. As far as possible third prize will not be less than $20.
As in the past in Team Events, trophy winners will not be included in the ball competition; balls will be allocated to the teams below the trophy winners.
Upcoming Events
18th February CCWGA Opening Day at Shelly Beach, Gosford will be represented by 4 teams.
21st February VW Ladies Scramble at Gosford. No Ladies competition, so I encourage you to enter a team of 4. The cost is $45 per person and it is a 7.30 shotgun start.
12th March Joker Day a repeat of last year’s very successful day
14th May Open Day
Happy golfing in 2019
Sheena Asken
Ladies Captain
F – Troop Report
January 2019 has been a big month for F-Troop – having got some good consistent number of volunteers has allowed us to complete some good projects.
The weather has been very hot but our volunteers still turned up even on Public Holidays to their credit.
Our big projects this month were tree maintenance, cleanup around the clubhouse, maintenance to the 4th hedge, front street gardens, drains at the 9th and 8th fairways, deadheading of agapanthus and streletziasl, weed from the dam, Tidy up of paths and tees.
Ongoing maintenance of trees, rubbish and loose timber pickup around the course, watering of the gardens, maintenance to shrubs, mulching of gardens, hedge maintenance, clean up of the paths and gardens around the clubhouse, wedding garden and practice nets, cleaning of the bush toilets and clubhouse maintenance.
Garden maintenance has also kept us busy with a lot of weeds appearing after the wet weather and shrubs needing to be trimmed.
If you have some free time on Monday mornings and you would like to contribute to our projects please contact Peter or Jan Martin. We generally work from 7.00 am until 10.30am with morning tea supplied by the club about 10.15 to 10.30 am. We are currently averaging 12/13 volunteers each week which is a big help towards speedy completion of our projects.
Peter Martin
Jan Martin
Superintendent’s Report – February 2019 Summary of works
January 2019…………….Rainfall 70 mm (Average 112mm)
February 2018 …………..Rainfall 47mm (Average 100mm)
Our main focus in February is getting the greens back to good health, along with tidying up the general presentation of the golf course.
We have started by seeding the bare areas on the front 9 greens. We have used a bedding tool to push dents into the soil then fill those dents with sand and seed. At the time of writing this report greens 1,2,3,4,6,7,9,10,12 and 18 have had this process done to them. 8,13,14,15,16 will be done as soon as more seed turns up.
The 5th and 17th greens were seeded (Monday 11th February). On these two greens, we verti drained both greens first, 8mm tines 100mm deep, then lightly scarified both greens to allow the seed somewhere to bed then lightly top dressed the green. The seed was pre-soaked for 3 days prior to Monday. These 2 greens will be cut at 6 or 7mm for a while as we monitor the green progress.
All the greens are having weekly light fertilizer applications to quicken the healing process. This heightens the risk of plant disease which is sitting at extreme.
Corellas and foxes are also not helping us. The foxes have taken a liking to the 10th green and the corollas to the rest. The foxes wee is very acidic, leaving dead patches all-over the 10th green.
Works undertaken during February
Verti-drained greens twice this month 3 weeks apart to relieve compaction and to help in the aid of fighting disease and summer decline, as well as allowing water to penetrate the surface. We use 8mm tines which go 100mm deep.
Applications of fungicide targeting Pythium prevention. 4 applications were put out.
Applications of fungicide targeting Anthracnose and dollar spot prevention. 4 applications were put out.
Applications of kelp products to aid in root development and disease resistance. 2 applications were put out 3 weeks apart.
Applications of wetting agent to aid in water penetration, to dry thatch layer and help roots to search for deeper moisture. Applications applied every 2 weeks.
Applications of gypsum applied directly to the plant, every 2 weeks.
Application of soluble fertiliser to aid plant health, every week.
Application of soil conditioner. To aid soil health, every 2 weeks.
Application of Magnesium.
Application of insecticide.
Greens are currently getting cut at 4mm, 4 times a week (most weeks during summer)
Greens are currently getting rolled twice a week (most weeks during summer)
Holes get changed 5 times a week.
Surrounds are cut twice a week at 15mm.
Apron cut around the green is at 6mm and done once a week.
Surrounds were sprayed with insecticide.
Green side sprinklers trimmed
Tees cut twice a week at 15mm
Application of liquid kelp fertiliser applied once a month
Application of wetting agent applied once a month
Tee sprinklers trimmed
Tee markers moved everyday
Fairways cut once a week at 18mm.
Fairway sprinklers trimmed
All bunkers were edged and the grass edges were sprayed with a growth retardant.
All bunkers are raked fully 3 times a week and on Saturdays all foot prints are raked out by hand.
All day…. 2 guys on 2 machines, Approx 20 – 24 hours per week each
Try and cut around Tees and Greens once a week.
Irrigation / Dams
Dam water tested once a month for Salt / Sodium levels. 2nd dam clear, 15th dam clear
2nd dam full
15th dam full
Course SuperintendentDave Nicholls
News From The Proshop
Srixon Fitting Day
Are you in the market for some NEW clubs?
Why not come up and try the full Srixon range as well as the best Cleveland has to offer on FRIDAY 15th FEB from 10am – 4 pm.
The 7 series drivers have had somewhat of a ‘cult’ following since they came onto the market a few years back. See what improvements Srixon have made to their lowest spinning driver yet…..
Footjoy Shoe SALE now on!!!
Shoes from $60, many prices slashed up to 60% OFF
Come in and grab a bargain today
Titleist Fitting Cart Arriving Soon
If you are in the market for some NEW Titleist golf clubs, why not book in for a game evaluation with one of of PGA Professionals. Lets test your equipment against the best that Titleist has to offer and see if we can improve your game. The NEW TS metal woods have been causing quite the stir, why not see if we can inject some ‘speed’ into your golf.
The Women’s Volkswagen Scramble is coming to Gosford Golf Club.
Your Team. Your Journey.
Now is the time to round up your team of four and enter the Gosford Golf Club Volkswagen Scramble for your chance to qualify through to the Regional Finals.
Every player receives six Callaway Supersoft golf balls, the chance to play for a fantastic prize pack valued at $1500 and a $1000 Factory Bonus Offer on selected Volkswagen vehicles.
Don’t hesitate, enter your team to start your journey today!
Event Date:
Thursday 21st February
7:30 AM Shotgun
Other Important Information about the day:
Ladies Event
Cost Per Player: $45
Bacon & Egg roll on arrival
Lunch is included in clubhouse after your game
Book Carts early to avoid disappointment
Drinks Cart on course (FREE Soft Drinks)
Don’t have a team? Why not invite three guests (all guests must have a golflink number)