During the month of September there has been more wind and no rain. The weather is at last warming up a bit which makes for a better early morning start. The course is very dry and the gardens are suffering.
Tree maintenance has continued around the course when possible and a lot of loose timber and rubbish pick was done after some of the high winds experienced this month. The tree on the 6th tee is re-shooting well.
Hedge maintenance has continued and trimming of shrubs where necessary.
The new Xanadu garden is starting to take shape. The pots have all been painted black and succulent plants added to enhance the area.
Gardening maintenance has continued with weed removal and watering when necessary. The BBQ area has continued to be maintained as well as the area around the clubhouse, 1st and 10th tees, Wedding Garden and Practice nets. New camellias and azaleas have been added to the gardens. Watering has been an issue as it is so dry.
Clubhouse maintenance, plumbing, regular cleaning of the bush toilets, and maintenance has been started on the bird bath in the garden between the 1st and 10th tees which is now going to become a garden.
A big thank you goes to our supporting members who have donated cash and plants for our gardens so that we can continue with our various projects.
Our thanks go to “Barto” for supplying our morning tea that he supplies every Monday Morning.
F-Troop meets at the green keepers shed at 7.00am on most Monday mornings with morning tea approximately 10.15am. Feel free to join us if you have 3 hours or so of time to volunteer your assistance. Casual helpers are also welcomed.
Contact telephone numbers: Peter Martin 0437325207; Jan Martin 0400430088
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