We have had a very long hot summer which has flowed into April with only a small amount of rainfall putting stress on all of the gardens, shrubs and trees (not to mention the course)
Fortunately we have had recent downfall that has refilled the dams and bought some relief to the gardens.
Our projects have continued including tree maintenance throughout the course including removal of dead trees, maintaining the hedges, painting of the 14th Bush Toilets and the Wedding Gazebo, mulching of the gardens, trimming shrubs where necessary, replacement of garden shrubs and plants that were lost in the summer heat. We have also installed some watering systems in the gardens where possible.
Every week the paths around the clubhouse and 1st and 10th tees and practice nets are cleaned as well as the parking areas and BBQ garden. The Bush toilets are cleaned, and the loose timber and rubbish around the course are picked up. We also continue to water the gardens and pots as well as removal of weed and rubbish in the gardens and front street garden.
We have also done maintenance within the clubhouse when required.
Our wood sales have continued and we have a good supply of timber ready for winter sales. Orders for this winter have already come in so get your wood order in early to Peter Martin to ensure your supply is ready for the cold snap when it finally arrives.
If you have some free time on Monday mornings and you would like to contribute to our projects please contact Peter or Jan Martin. We generally work from 7.00 am until 10.30am with morning tea supplied by the club about 10.15 to 10.30 am. We currently average about 13 workers every Monday which is a big help towards getting our projects done.
Peter Martin 0437 325 207
Jan Martin 0400 430-08
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